While starting on the business case presented by Provinzial we first had to tackle a couple problems – and to organize ourselves. After the Kick-Off we first met in the whole big group but soon started to realize that it would be difficult to communicate throughout this amount of people. So, we decided to split up.
As soon as we met up again in our smaller groups the structuring became easier. I firmly believe that this also happened because of previous meetings we had in VR. Thanks to these we kind of had the feeling of already knowing each other and used this to our advantage. Like this we were able to benefit from every individual expertise. And this is also why we could use the work experience from Kevin to get organized and set up a schedule. We also learned that it was important that someone lead the meetings. Not one person in particular, but that at any point one person had a guiding hand.

The second issue we faced was really defining a problem or as we did multiple. We were lucky enough to be handed the “Crazy 4’s” method which we could really apply to find customer-based solution approaches. The problem we then faced was one I really didn’t expect. We had too many interesting or really promising ideas but couldn’t match facing all of them within our given time frame. And this is when we decided: okay, let’s take a conventional and a really unconventional idea! We all loved the “Insured Backpack” idea. It was promising and funny enough to arise attention. On the other hand we also loved to go on with the “Transitional Policyholder Program”.
Once we determined these two prototypes we split up and were kind of in a flow state. We worked on the ideas in two separate smaller groups and presented them subsequently to each other. The last issue we faced was really about how to present all of what we experienced throughout this week, so that the presentation would match our expectations to the results we wanted to present.
I personally really liked that we had to give a final presentation, because like this this whole experience felt real and it was benefiting for all of us to actually pitch the ideas we elaborated to a real client. Additionally, we were really able to apply the knowledge we gained about design thinking within this week and address it towards a real business case. So, overall, this business case really was a huge opportunity!