After our final presentation one of the Professors from the American side, Dr. Godin and her family, graciously invited us to her house to have a southern barbecue and swim in the lake their house was built next to. We had a wide breadth of water-based activites to do there, the highlight was definitly tubing though. Dr. Godins husband Frank drove his boat across the lake and dragged two tubes behind him. One of the tubes was shaped more like a seat which made for a rollercoaster-like experience. However, the other one was just a flat disk where you had to hold on two handles while being dragged across the water. While it was definitly a ton of fun I also hurt my legs a bit due to the sheer speed the boat had

We also went swimming and some of us even kayaked across the lake to look at the stunning sunset from a better position. After all these activities we all were really hungry so the southern barbecue Dr. Godin prepared was definitly a godsend. We had some pulled pork burgers and all sorts of sides (baked beans, potato salad) which were all really tasty and definitly the best american food we’ve had while visiting the US. After dinner (and a desert) we talked for a while and then went into town.