After the teams were encouraged to focus more on the creative process and refrain from further data analysis at Southwire on Tuesday evening, Wednesday was the day when the key process (Ideating) of the Design Thinking process took place. As Group 1, we made extremely productive use of the time until departure to Milledgeville. Within 3 to 4 hours, we completed the Ideating phase.
First, we did the Crazy8s, which were quickly modified to Crazy4s. Each team member wrote down 4 deas on a whiteboard that could help alleviate or even solve the previously defined pain points of Southwire in there P2P process.

After completing this individual brainstorming, the ideas were compared with each other. First, duplicates were eliminated. Then, similar or related ideas were combined into one idea. Before categorizing the ideas, as a group we prioritized the points. Subsequently, the remaining ideas were clustered into three topics streamlining, contracts, communication, and incentives for change. As a group, we quickly found many and very different approaches, which we identified as potential solutions. After this process, we get on our journey to Milledgeville.