After some initial difficulty in deciding the perfect time slot for our meeting, we finally managed to meet up via Zoom to share our Persona. It was our first time actually talking to each other as a group so we were all very excitied to get to know everybody. We started off with a quick introduction from everyone to break the ice and get the meeting going.
Then the Persona sharing process started. Some American students also prepared other parts of the excercise including their pressure, value and also their job satisfaction. These are all very interesting aspects and we were all very curious to the information our teammates were sharing. The rest of the session went smoothly as we shared our persona one by one. We realized that each member has distinct motivations and frustrations, while also considering drivers differently when they need to decide.
In general, it was a successful meeting and we all had fun in bonding with our new teammates. We are all looking forward to meeting them in person.