On Friday May 21st, our group presented our presentation to Provinzial. Our presentation was presented by Enni, Chi Chi and Christian and they did a great job presenting. We decided to only have three speakers to help better the flow of the presentation but we opened the floor to everyone in the group when any questions were asked. For our presentation we built the presentation in google slides and then transferred the slides into mural. We chose mural as our presentation platform because we wanted to be able to share our thought processes, graphics, and prototype that was built in mural.

Our group was also able to listen to the other group’s presentation as well. We really enjoyed their prospective and their creative solutions they came up with for the case study. Following both presentations, the representatives from Provinzial opened up the floor for discussion where both teams could provide input. The conversation was great and very engaging.
Overall this was a great experience and I loved getting to know and work each member of my team. Everyone of us came together to build our solutions to Provinzial and I am very proud of the work we were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time.